New Year’s Eve
In the Gregorian calendar, New Year's Eve, also known as Old Year's Day or Saint Sylvester's Day in many countries, is the evening or the entire day of the last day of the year, 31 December. The last day of the year is commonly referred to as “New Year’s Eve”. Click here for more ...
Happy New Year!
KARA Family Resource Center (Main Location) 6717 132 Ave NW, Edmonton, Alberta, CanadaCLOSED
Orthodox Christmas Day
Many Orthodox Christians annually celebrate Christmas Day on or near January 7 to remember Jesus Christ’s birth, described in the Christian Bible. This date works to the Julian calendar that pre-dates the Gregorian calendar, which is commonly observed. More HERE
CLOSED for in-person services
KARA Family Resource Center (Main Location) 6717 132 Ave NW, Edmonton, Alberta, CanadaKARA is closed for in-person services. Sorry for any inconvenience.
Welcome Back!
KARA Family Resource Center (Main Location) 6717 132 Ave NW, Edmonton, Alberta, CanadaHappy New Year and welcome back!
Triple P – Indigenous Focus
KARA Family Resource Center (Main Location) 6717 132 Ave NW, Edmonton, Alberta, CanadaThis program has childcare available on-site. Triple P can help you to: Create the best environment for your child’s development Know how to address child behaviours Promote new skills and help emotional self-regulation Raise happier, more confident and capable kids Improve your relationship with your children Enjoy being a parent more! Date: Thursdays, Jan. 25 Read More...
Rhymes that Bind – Online
Via Zoom AL, CanadaRhymes That Bind is an oral language development program that promotes positive parenting. Join us to find out how Zoom Zoom Zooming to the Moon can help your child build a rich vocabulary! For children 0-3 yrs. With Centre for Family Literacy. Date: Thursdays, Jan. 18 - Mar. 21 Time: 10:30 am – 11 am Read More...
Afterschool Adventures
Dunluce Tenant Centre Unit 9, 11930 162 Ave NW, Edmonton, Alberta, CanadaChildren (6-12 yrs), will have the opportunity to unplug and connect with others while building their self-esteem. Enjoy a variety of crafts, games, and outdoor activities designed to encourage positive peer relationships while building confidence. Date: Thursdays, Jan. 25 – Mar. 21 Time: 2:30 pm – 4:30 pm Location: Dunluce, 11930 162 Ave, Unit 9
Kids in the Kitchen
KARA Family Resource Center (Main Location) 6717 132 Ave NW, Edmonton, Alberta, CanadaYour children will master some basic kitchen skills while building their confidence cooking a meal! They will prepare nutritious food together and bring it home for your family to enjoy! This program will support the development of fine / gross motor skills, build confidence, and review kitchen skills and safety. Ages 6 - 12 years. Read More...